07550 842 122
Name of the Society:
Aims & Objectives:
Rules of membership:
Management Committee: (MC)
Roles of management committee
Removal of a member from management committee or leaving the society:
Conflict of interest:
Source of income:
Amending the constitution:
Complaints Policy:
Force Majeure:
Governing law & Jurisdiction:
Date of commencement of the constitution:
1. Name of the Society: Jhelum Burial Society (JBS)
2. Address: 21 Birkdale Street Manchester M8 9LU
3. Vision: To ensure those related to the current members of the Jhelum Burial Society are provided financial and other assistance at the time of death of them and/or their family members. This is a private members club only.
4. Aims & Objectives:
a. To assist those in the community who have a relative that has passed away and may struggle to support the costing of the burial and funeral by making a payment on a 6 monthly basis to collect funds to support others in the family who are covered by the membership.
b. The costing will support a burial only and not a cremation. (See-5y)
c. In the event of a death to incur all expenses related to the funeral and burial of the member and his immediate family members
d. Wife & Sons aged up to 20 & unmarried daughters. (See-5f)
e. The JBS will pay expenses for the funeral not exceeding £3000.00 which includes the transportation of the body from hospital/morgue to the mosque and then onto graveyard. Expenses include burial and memorial service & also for the transportation of a body to Pakistan or any other country abroad.
f. In the event of an overseas death (Pakistan or other country abroad) then the JBS shall pay the family of the deceased a maximum of £500 for funeral costs
5. Rules of membership:
a. Open to relatives of existing members who include the following siblings, parents, children and spouses only.
b. Membership is obtainable only via application and membership fee which must be submitted via the secretary of the JBS. (See 5-h1)
c. Management Committee reserves the right to decline membership without providing a reason for doing so. (See 5-g1)
d. Upon reaching the age of 20 the son of an existing member may join the JBS in his own right. In addition to this his membership fee will be waived.
e. Annual Fee £40.00. New Membership fee (See-5r)
f. Unmarried daughters for JBS members are covered. For member’s sons the cover period is up to the age of 20 but not exceeding the age of 21. Once 21 then the son should apply to become a new member in his own right as after reaching 21 the JBS will not pay unless they join as an individual member.
g. For member’s daughters the cover is provided for unmarried daughters as long as they remain under the care of their parents.
h. The daughters once married at any age will no longer be covered under her father’s name.
i. Sisters who do not have a husband or want to register themselves and their children can do so and the same rules will apply as for brothers.
j. All payments fees and donations to be made payable to ‘Jhelum Burial Society’ by Standing Order only. No other form of payment will be accepted. It is up to the member to ensure they pay on time, if anyone does not pay on time then they may lose their membership.
k. Membership cancellation shall occur upon none payment of annual fees. (See-5z)
l. Member having an extended family will not pay extra.
m. If any member leaves the society or stops making payment then he will not be refunded any amount he/she has already paid irrespective of the reason for which failure to payment occurred. (See-8b)
n. Any new information or changes will be uploaded to the website.
o. If false information is provided on the application form and membership is accepted and later it is found to be incorrect then the member may lose their membership and payment they have made. (See 5-f1)
r. New Membership joining fee will vary with age groups: for those under the following age categories of 21-40 £150, 41-60 years is £500. 61+ years is £800.
s. Two final written letters will be sent if payment not received within 30 days of deadline with a final deadline of 30 days after which membership will be cancelled and a new membership fee will have to be paid to re-join as a member.
t. If at any stage the funds reach low levels (as determined by the management committee) then the management committee reserve the right to hold an emergency meeting and pass a resolution to seek members to pay an emergency payment for a period of time it considers reasonable until funds are deemed to be sufficient.
u. Reasonable admin costs will be taken from the monies collected to fund this project.
v. Annual accounts will be made available on request to any member.
x. A copy of the death certificate with cause of death along with original receipts will need to be provided to receive payments, photocopies will not be accepted.
y. Payment will only be provided for the costing of the funeral arrangement and burial, any additional costs will not be covered in this cost, such as food, flowers, Headstone and other unnecessary expenses to a maximum limit of £3000. (See-4b)
z. Any member can remove their membership by writing to the secretary of the management committee or by cancelling annual payment. (See-5k)
A1. The committee is not responsible for arranging the release of the body.
B1. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure they provide details of death or any change in address, bank, email or personal circumstances or illness at the earliest convenience.
C1. Any sudden death should be reported to the secretary and details of funeral procession and burial can be found in our burial handbook. Details are available on our website.
D1. The committee is not responsible for arranging an MR scan and this has to be arranged with the funeral director or the coroner’s office.
F1. The application of the applicant may be cancelled if the applicant provides any false information or fails to make payment on time as per this constitution as stated above and will not be refunded for any money that may have already been paid including any membership fees.
G1. The Jhelum Burial Society management reserve the right to refuse any application for membership without providing any reason for doing so. (See-5c)
H1. Temporary Membership Fee for visitors £90.00 (non-refundable) + annual fee (non-refundable) + refundable deposit of £500 (refundable) if the person does not require payment. The deposit is to be paid by the member who is related to the overseas visitor and is taking responsibility for them. An application form must be completed in this instance. The membership fees and annual fees are valid for one English calendar year only. If the visitor returns on a subsequent visit after twelve months then the fees mentioned above in this item must be paid again and an application form must be completed. (See-5b)
6. Management Committee: (MC)
a. MC consists of 15 working members.
b. MC can appoint 3 Hon. Officers from its members.
c. MC reserves the right to replace any Hon. Officer without discussion or consultation with any of the members.
d. In the event of the absence of any Hon officers. The existing MC members reserve the right to elect a Hon officer into the MC.
e. The Management Committee (MC) including the key workers within the MC shall be central to the running planning and policy making of the JBS. All major factors which relate to the operations of the JBS will be dealt with by the MC and strictly no one else.
f. Amendments to the constitution can only be enforced with the approval of a majority of the committee members present on the day via voting. At least 7 days’ notice must be given to all members to attend the meeting via email or first class letter or by hand. (See-14)
7. Roles of management committee
a. The President: The president is ultimately responsible for the running of the society and ensure all systems are running effectively. President to chair or appoint a chairperson to conduct meetings.
b. The Secretary:Secretary to enforce the decisions made by the MC to deal with all correspondence and to arrange MC meeting by notifying the relevant parties and arranging annual forum. An assistant secretary can be used to help with admin work.
c. The Treasurer:The treasurer is responsible for ensuring all the finances are managed in a fair way. Treasurer to manage the finances of the JBS keeping all records updated and providing relevant paper work at the meetings. An assistant treasurer can be used to help with admin work.
d. The Remainder of the Management Committee are involved in managing the burial society. 2 Administrators key roles include a Coordinator who is answerable to the president and a web designer who is answerable to the president. They are responsible for ensuring the running of the Burial society. They are responsible for providing assistance at the time of death to the beneficiaries and family of the deceased.
8. Removal of a member from management committee or leaving the society:
a. A majority of the management committee vote will be required for the management committee member to be removed from his position.
b. If any member or group of members want to leave the society they can do so but cannot claim any of the money paid back by themselves or anyone else towards the membership or joining fees that they have paid at any stage as any money paid towards the membership and joining fees is non-refundable. (See-5m)
9. Conflict of interest:
a. All members of Jhelum Burial society must ensure they have read understood and signed the Jhelum Burial Society conflict of interest policy.
b. All members of Jhelum Burial Society cannot sign a cheque that involves a relative.
c. The 3 signatures for the cheque must not be related to each other in any way.
d. The cheque must be signed by 2 people when payment is needed.e. The person counting the cheques if used cannot be the person collecting cheques or banking the money.
10. Meetings:
a. There will be 2 meeting per year to consist of all MC members.
b. Special / Emergency MC Meetings may be requested by the secretary at his discretion via written request stating reasons. The matter arising will be considered an emergency by the core team which is the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the 2 appointed coordinators. Such meetings will be arranged within 7 days or as reasonably practicable.
c. All minutes of all meetings to be approved by at least 2 Committee Members.
11. Finance:
a. All finances to be raised via membership joining fee, annual subscription and funding through the JBS.
b. JBS Accounts to be approved by MC. Cheques to be counter signed by 2 of the 3 appointed signatories.
c. It is also the responsibility of the member to ensure that there adequate funds available in the nominated bank account, in the case of the quarterly debit orders.
d. The member agrees to be contacted by JBS or its nominated representative using the details above.
e. It is the responsibility of the member to advise JBS of any changes to the details provided.
12. Source of income:The sole source of income for this Jhelum Burial Society will be membership joining fees, membership subscription fees and any donations made towards this cause.
13. Expenditure:The expenditure will be reasonable admin costs, stationary and payment for funeral and burial expenses upon providing original receipts along with the original death certificate or relevant documentation.
14. Amending the constitution:This can only take place with a simple majority of the management committee’s authorisation. (See-6f)
15. Complaints Policy
a. The following minimum standards will ensure that the complainant will receive the same level of service regardless of whom the complaint is made against. These standards include:
b. A note of the complaint and its resolution will be entered in the Members individual file if applicable and kept by the Jhelum Burial Society (JBS).The complaint will be acknowledged and, if it cannot be resolved by discussion, a written acknowledgement will be sent to the complainant who includes the name, contact details of the member dealing with the complaint and the date when the complainant can expect a response. Complainants will be kept informed progress of all complaints will be monitored by the President to ensure that investigations are completed and responses delivered within the agreed timescale the secretary will provide a complaints review and update to the President when a complaint is received. At any stage a person can withdraw a complaint. Both parties will consider the matter closed once a decision by JBS has been delivered.There are no right of appeal against the decision by the JBS management committee.
16. Force Majeure JBS is not liable for failure to perform the party's obligations if such failure is as a result of Acts of God (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other natural disaster), war, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities (regardless of whether war is declared), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or confiscation, terrorist activities, nationalisation, government sanction, blockage, embargo, labour dispute, strike, lockout or interruption or failure of electricity or telephone service. No party is entitled to terminate this Agreement under Clause 17 (Termination) in such circumstances.
17. Governing law & Jurisdiction This Agreement is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England The parties submit all their disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England & Wales.
18. Date of amendment of the constitution:08 March 2015